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Meet Sandra De Clercq, ZEOPORE's Executive Assistant

Say hi to Sandra De Clercq, who recently joined Zeopore as executive assistant. Using her skills and experience gathered during many years as office manager, she assists our CEO, Kurt Du Mong, in the daily operations of the company. She manages and executes tasks related to agenda management, administration, bookkeeping, communication and human resources.

Sandra likes taking initiative and handling challenges. The common thread throughout her career is managing, structuring and executing assignments across different domains.

Sandra De Clercq: "Currently at Zeopore, I organize all information and formalize administrative processes so that the company's administrative structure can be organized more efficiently. Executive assistance and structured administrative processes are important for Zeopore in its process of continuous growth and organizational expansion. My experience in management and internal sales helps me a lot in this regard."

Earlier on in her career, Sandra has worked for different SMEs in the hotel, apparel and transportation industries. Sandra: "In smaller organizations, I appreciate the close interaction between colleagues and the immediate impact of your actions. Also a dynamic working environment and varied assignments and responsibilities fit my personality. I received a warm welcome and already feel part of the team."

Besides working part time for Zeopore, Sandra started a secondary occupation in providing administrative support for SMEs. “On the personal side, I like to go on a city trip or out for a weekend, with family or friends to enjoy culture and nature. My favorite countries so far are Denmark and Germany. I also find it relaxing to do country line dance. In my view, a good balance between my personal and professional life is beneficial for myself and everyone involved.”



Zeopore Technologies NV is located on 'Haasrode Industrial Park' near Leuven in Flanders (Belgium), the largest petrochemical cluster in Europe. Innovation is at the heart of Leuven: in 2020 the city was awarded 'European Capital of Innovation' by the European Commission and its university heads Europe's list of most innovative universities.

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Zeopore Technologies NV

Interleuvenlaan 23

3001 Leuven


BE 0687.492.151

Business hours:

Monday - Friday : 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday : closed

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